Bridging the World through Horticulture

Associate Professor Feza Can Cengiz

Feza Can Cengiz was born in 1974 in Sivas. After graduating from Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, 1995, she was appointed as a Research Assistant in the same department of Mustafa Kemal University in 1998. She completed Master and PhD degree from Mustafa Kemal University and Çukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, in 1999 and 2003, respectively. In 2004, she was appointed as an assistant professor in the same department in Mustafa Kemal University. She received Associate Professor degree in 2012. She has completed several systematic and faunistics projects in different macroheteroceran families of Lepidoptera as well as other economically pest species.

Between 2009-2013, she served as a Council member of Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica (SEL). She attended to several international conferences in different countries. She organized international conferences and her name took place in different scientific committee lists of international meetings. Her main interests are pest lepidoteran species, taxonomy, systematics and evolution of the Lepidoptera, focus on Geometridae and here on integrated taxonomy and molecular phylogeny. Feza Can Cengiz has two children.

Email: cezafan_onurcan(at)